Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Psychological Facts on Colors and Moods - Color Psychology, Chromology

Study of the psychology of color, technically termed as chromology delves into the influence of colors on the relationship between body and mind.

Life is indeed colorful, with different strokes and beautiful tones. If variety is the spice of life, the color is added to the flavor! Our partnership with the color, perhaps from birth began when we were dressed in a particular color was thought best suited to us!

Undoubtedly, the colors come into play every day in our lives - in homes, workplaces, shops, wardrobe, or just the magnificent nature that surrounds us.

Birth of Color

Color originates from light which is a form of energy. In 1666, the famous English scientist Sir Isaac Newton found that, if we pass pure white light through a prism, it splits into seven visible colors. These rainbow colors are called Heptathlon Spectrums, and have a unique vibration and energy.

Can color really impact ones mood?

Energy scientists believe that colors have a unique signal which can influence the neurological system and therefore impact the psychological state. Since colors are light energy at certain wavelengths, this energy is translated into color by the photoreceptors in the retina, called cones. Colors have a direct influence on our thoughts, moods and behaviors because when the energy & color enters our bodies, it stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands to secrete certain hormones. It is said that red color stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, while white and blue color stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system.

Color Psychology or Chromology - Impact of Color on Moods

Study of the psychology of color which is technically termed as chromology delves into the influence of colors on the relationship between body and mind. The research has brought to the fore several attributes of each color, its energy and vibrations that have formed the basis of the science of chromology.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Psychologist says being smart is already part of your mental toolbox

Intelligence and smart thinking are not the same, according to University of Texas at Austin psychologist Art Markman, who studies how best to apply knowledge for smarter thinking at work and home.

Drawing on his work at a top multinational corporation and his scholarly work, Markman says science confirms that smart thinking is not an innate quality but rather a skill to be cultivated. Humans are not born with a particular capacity to do smart things. "Each of the components of being smart is already part of your mental toolbox," he says.

"I have always had an interest in how to bridge the gap between research and the application of that research in the world," says Markman, director of the Human Dimensions of Organizations program at The University of Texas at Austin. The program is a new type of executive education focused on an understanding of the people inside and outside organizations that drive performance in today's diverse global marketplace.

Synthesizing research from many areas of neuroscience and psychology, Markman gives examples of great thinkers such as James Dyson, industrial designer and founder of the Dyson company, to illustrate his core concepts such as the importance of understanding how things function.

To read more about this article, please click here.